Upper Body
We are in here, pumping it out using a little bit heavier dumbbells working upper body. Back, chest, bi’s, tri’s, a little bit of shoulders, crushing some abs, and of course we gotta hit that CARDIO!
Lower Body
Tuesday rolls along, we got to slow it down and hit that lower body. Deadlifts, squats, hip thrusters, always cardio, and of course we are going to hit those abs.
Upper Burnout
When we roll into Wednesday, I got to get more technical. We go to an Upper Body Burnout. What I mean by that is, we use more of a medium set weight, lots of reps; shoulders, bi’s, tri’s, and the cardio is CRANKED.
Lower Burnout
Roll into a Thursday and here we go back around again with a lower body workout just like Tuesday.
F*ck It Up Friday
F*ck It Up Friday! This is one of those days that when we get in here, we expect you to put in the work! This is full body, lighter weights, ton of movement and of course killer on the cardio to get you detoxed and ready for the weekend.
Full Body Reflection
Full 60 minute class that is a breakdown of all the different workouts that were focused on throughout the week in one killer full body workout.
*Intense* Full Body Circuit Training
Sunday is targeted at our athletes. In this full body 60min HIIT workout we use every single piece of equipment in the gym and just get after it!